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Elevate Your Influence & Fast Track Your Career

Attention: Mid-Senior Leaders, Aspiring Executives Who Seek to Navigate How to Enhance Visibility and Influence To Access More Promotion Opportunities and Advance Their Careers.

  • Do you find yourself working tirelessly, pouring your heart and soul into your career, with the belief that your hard work will naturally lead to recognition and advancement? As a mid to senior-level leader, you've been programmed to embrace hard work as the ultimate key to success. However, you've reached a point where you realize that working harder alone isn't enough to propel your career to the next level.


    Breaking Free from the Invisible Trap


    It's time to acknowledge that as you move up to senior leadership positions, the corporate landscape has evolved. Hard work remains essential, but there's a new game that you need to master - visibility and influence. To advance your career and make a lasting impact, you need more than just dedication; you need a new strategy that unleashes your full potential.


    The Challenge of Gaining Influence and Impact


    The Need for a Better Game Plan. It's time to let go of the misconception that hard work alone will propel you to new heights. You need a better game plan that aligns with your super-driven nature and unleashes your true potential. A plan that allows you to work smarter, not just harder, and positions you as an influential leader within your organization.


    Introducing Corporate Visibility Accelerator

    Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program is a FIVE WEEK game-changing exclusive program, designed to empower mid to senior-level leaders like you to break free from the invisible trap and attain the influence and impact you rightfully deserve. It's time to set a new direction and unlock the visibility that will revolutionize your career trajectory.

    Transformative Strategies for Your Visibility.

    In this exclusive 5-Week Group Coaching Programwe will guide you through transformative strategies based on our 3Cs framework: Clarity, Cultivate, and Communicate.

    Clarity - Unveiling Your Path to Visibility:

    • Gain clarity on your current visibility and identify areas for enhancement.

    • Discover the immense importance of visibility and influence in your career.

    • Define your goals for increasing visibility and align them with your aspirations.

    Cultivate - Nurturing Your Personal Brand and Networks:

    • Craft a quick compelling personal brand statement that sets you apart as a leader.

    • Cultivate a powerful strategic network of alliances, mentors, and sponsors.

    • Enhance your personal presence, productivity, and resilience for lasting success.

    Communicate - Mastering the Art of Influence:

      • Refine your communication acumen to articulate ideas persuasively.

      • Showcase your contributions effectively and build strong relationships 

        with potential mentors and sponsors.

      • Develop a dynamic career advancement action plan to propel your career forward.

    Don't let your hard work go unnoticed any longer. Step into the spotlight and claim the recognition and advancement you've earned.

    Join Us & Discover Your Path to Influence:

    Program Date

    2024 Dates To Be Announced 

    Program Fee

    Exclusive Pre-Launch Special Is SOLD OUT.



    Ready To Transform your career trajectory with the Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program?

  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • **This is a Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer. The program will return to the launch price.

    Some of the success stories

    Our program provides tools and insights that help our clients gain clarity, strategies, and action steps to reach their goals.

    I can see that my career in the next 6 months will be very bright. Within the first session, I had learnt so many nuggets that I already have a plan to implement. I realized I wasted a year of going at it myself. That's my lesson learned. I can only get better from today. Thanks, Nannapat.

    Senior Manager at Google

    Coach Nannapat has helped me gain the tools that have allowed me an opportunity to advance to the next level of management in my organization.

    Program Executive, Global SAAS company

    Nannapat was the best! Very eye-opening and insightful. She was very approachable and was clear in her feedback. She really provided me with the insights and tools I needed to work on my development to achieve greater impact. 

    Sr. Director, Quality Assurance, Manufacturing Company

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Q: Who is the Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program designed for?

    A: The program is exclusively designed for mid to senior-level leaders seeking to enhance their influence, gain more visibility in their industry, and prepare themselves for career advancement.

    Q: How does the Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program differ from a typical leadership development program?

    A: The Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program is a unique and specialized approach that goes beyond the scope of traditional leadership development programs. While conventional programs cover essential leadership skills, our program focuses on two critical aspects that are often overlooked:

    1. Performance and Communication: The Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program recognizes the vital link between performance and communication upward and across. We understand that even the most talented leaders may struggle to advance without the visibility and recognition they deserve. Our program equips participants with strategies to effectively showcase their contributions, ensuring that their hard work does not go unnoticed. By improving communication skills and boosting team morale, our program benefits both the participants and their organizations.

    2. Tailored Development Strategy: Unlike standard leadership development programs, our program provides personalized group coaching support to help participants tailor their development strategies. We understand that every leader's journey is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. With cheat sheets and individual development components, we guide participants in creating a development strategy that aligns with their specific goals, strengths, and career aspirations.

    The Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program focuses on areas that are often overlooked and provides group coaching to help leaders reach their full potential and excel in their fields. This program bridges the gaps left by traditional leadership development programs, making it the ideal choice for those seeking faster progress and long-lasting results.

    Q: I am not a mid to senior-level leader, but I'm eager to advance my career. Can I still join the Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program?

    A: Absolutely! While the program is specifically designed for mid to senior-level leaders, we welcome professionals from all levels who are eager to learn how to accelerate their career advancement. The skills and strategies taught in the program can benefit individuals at various career stages and industries, empowering them to gain more influence and visibility in their respective fields. Whether you're an aspiring leader or a seasoned professional, the Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program can be your catalyst for success.

    Q: What does the 3Cs framework (Clarity, Cultivate, Communicate) entail?

    A: The 3Cs framework is the backbone of the program. It involves:

    Clarity: Understanding your current visibility, recognizing the importance of visibility, and setting clear visibility goals.

    Cultivate: Developing your personal brand, building relationships and networks, and enhancing personal effectiveness.

    Communicate: Leveraging communication and influence, showcasing your contributions, and creating a career advancement action plan.

    Q: How long is the Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program?

    A: The program spans over 6 weeks with one week being the prework and assessment prior to the program start date. Participants will have access to training and will participate in live coaching sessions with group discussions and interactive activities to facilitate their growth and progress.

    Q: What can I expect from the live coaching sessions?

    A: The live group coaching sessions are led by Coach Nannapat. You can expect personalized guidance, practical strategies, and valuable insights from group learning to help you accelerate your visibility and impact.

    Q: How will the program be delivered?

    A: The program will be delivered through virtual platforms, making it accessible and convenient for participants from around the world. 

    Q: Will I receive support outside of the coaching sessions?

    A: Yes, Coach Nannapat and the program support team will be available to provide support and answer questions throughout the duration of the program through the coaching platform. You can also upgrade to a VIP option to have private coaching sessions as well. 

    Q: Is this program suitable for leaders from all industries?

    A: Yes, the Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program is designed to benefit leaders from various industries who are looking to elevate their careers and make a significant impact.

    Q: What if I have limited time due to my current work commitments?

    A: We understand the challenges of busy schedules, which is why we have coaching sessions on Saturdays from 12-14:30 pm ET. Participants can access training videos and materials on the coaching platform on a weekly basis prior to the group coaching calls. The program is designed to accommodate working professionals, and the resources provided will support your progress even amidst your work commitment.

    Q: Is this program only for extroverted leaders?

    A: Not at all. The program is suitable for both extroverted and introverted leaders. It focuses on developing authentic communication and leadership styles that align with individual personalities.

    Q: How can an organization benefit from this program? Why should they sponsor their leaders to join?

    A: The Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program empowers individual leaders and substantially benefits organizations.

    Here's why organizations should consider sponsoring their leaders to join:

    1. Enhanced Leadership Performance: As leaders gain visibility and recognition through the program, their increased motivation and confidence translate into enhanced leadership performance. This improvement positively impacts team productivity, engagement, and overall organizational success.

    2. Stronger Team Morale: When leaders effectively communicate their contributions and receive well-deserved recognition, it boosts team morale and fosters a positive work environment. Employees feel valued and motivated to contribute their best efforts.

    3. Increased Employee Retention: A program that invests in the growth and advancement of leaders signals to employees that the organization is committed to their professional development. This commitment leads to higher employee retention and a more loyal, engaged workforce.

    4. Attracting Top Talent: Organizations that prioritize leadership development and visibility attract top talent seeking opportunities for growth and advancement. Potential candidates are drawn to organizations that invest in their employee's success.

    5. Driving Innovation and Success: As leaders progress through the program, they acquire valuable skills in effective communication, networking, and strategic planning. These skills drive innovation and success within the organization, leading to improved performance and a competitive edge in the market.

    6. Future-Ready Leadership: The Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program equips leaders with skills essential in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Organizations benefit from having adaptable and forward-thinking leaders who are prepared to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

    7. Positive Organizational Culture: A culture that encourages leadership development and recognition fosters a positive and empowering work environment. This culture attracts, retains, and nurtures top talent, creating a sustainable foundation for the organization's growth.

    By sponsoring their leaders to join the Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program, organizations invest in their leaders' long-term success and the organization's overall growth. It's a strategic investment that yields a high return in terms of leadership excellence, employee engagement, and competitive advantage in the marketplace.

    Q: Will I have access to program materials after the 6 weeks?

    A: Yes, participants will have one-year access to program materials, resources, and recordings of live sessions. 

    Q: What are the payment options for the Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program?

    A: We offer secure payment options, including a one-time payment and three monthly payments.

    Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

    A: Yes, we offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you find that you don't gain any the value from the program after attending the 3 live group coaching sessions and completing all your homework, you can request a refund. 

    Q: How can I reserve my spot in the program?

    A: To secure your spot in the Corporate Visibility Accelerator Program, click the enrollment link and follow the instructions to complete your registration.

    Still Have Questions? If you have any further questions or need more information, please feel free to contact our support team at [email protected]. We're here to assist you on your journey to increased visibility and career success.

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